Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Technical Difficulties

I am having picture issues, so here are the ones I had intended to use on the last post. :)

Quick catch-up!

Ok, so Brayden had his first practice last night and it was HILARIOUS! (He's on the Cubs, btw!) He immediately started showing everyone his cleats and his glove and once the practice started, he kept turning around and saying "mommy, did you see that? mommy, i threw the ball!" I got a little video, but my camera ran out of memory so I wasn't able to capture too much! About 5 minutes into practice he was playing catch and a ball hit him in the mouth and we pretty much thought he was going to change his mind about t-ball when that happened. He cried for probably 20 or 30 minutes and said he just wanted to go home! I finally convinced him to get back out there if I stood with him and once he was there for a few minutes I was able to go back to my chair and he was fine. He has already asked for his trophy, bless his little heart! This should be an interesting few weeks, but I think he's excited about it. Peyton thinks that since he was there he's "playing t-ball too" so I guess he's happy. He fell asleep in his brother's baseball socks and cleats last weekend and I felt bad that he's not able to participate! We've been trying to find him some cleats, but they just don't make them small enough for him. We'll just have to wait a few more years I guess!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tough Little Boys

I absolutely hate when the kiddos are sick. Unfortunately, Peyton is getting over a double ear infection and poor little Brayden spent most of yesterday laying down and/or throwing up. He is such a little trooper and he will suffer through when he's sick, so you know it has to be really bad when he won't even get up to play!! Basically my house is full of cranky babies and a tired mommy! I think they're both on the mend, I've called to check on them a few times today and no one has fever or anything, they're just resting. Hopefully everyone will stay well and we can go to their cousin's birthday party tomorrow and enjoy being outside! I'm keeping it short today, but pray for my little ones!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Busy day!

Ok, I'm getting hounded to update this. (by all 2 of you who read this :))

Brayden update: I signed him up for t-ball last week and we are soooo excited about it! I took him this past weekend and picked out his cleats and his glove....in the snow! Crazy start to Spring, but hopefully the cold weather is gone now! Anyway, I'm ready for him to start playing right now, I think it's going to be so much fun for him and equally fun/cute for me to watch! We are trying to get him on the same team as his cousin Alex, but we won't know for sure what team he's on until next week. He has already asked for the #2 jersey...not sure where that came from. Brayden is the most energetic little boy I think I've ever met and it will be nice for him to have an organized way to get some of that energy out!

Peyton update: The poor little guy had to go get shots this morning and he was not happy about it. He said that it ""made Peyton cry", bless his little heart. When I dropped him off afterward he told his peepaw that they were mean to him and he said "spank mama!" :( Oh well, it's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it! We go this afternoon to get his ears re-checked and I'm pretty certain that they're infected again. He woke up at about 4 this morning crying with a slight fever and he said his ear hurt. Here we go again! This poor baby has been dealing with ear infections on and off since August! This past time was our final attempt at various types of anitbiotics, so now we're moving on to an ear/nose/throat specialist. I think we will be getting tubes in the near future and while it scares me that he'll be getting them in, I am hopeful that they will put an end to these infections and give him some relief.

Whew, ok....now back to work since I'm only here for a few hours today!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Oh my Darlin

Although I may switch topics from time to time, this blog is mainly for me to share stories about my boys. They say and do the funniest/cutest things all the time! So here goes:

This one happened on Saturday and it had me laughing all weekend. Peyton had been singing different songs to me all day and he started singing one to the tune of "Oh my Darling Clementine" only he changed the words a bit. His version: "oh my goggy oh my goggy oh my goggy lemon lime" Haha! His little voice sounds cute no matter what he says, but hearing him sing those words just cracked me up! He then sang a different version that I'm sure his aunt Ashley will appreciate "oh my Remi, oh my Remi" (Remi is a dog we had for almost a week, but had to give back because he was too aggressive!) Brayden saw how much it made me laugh and he started singing it too!

When they got home last night my dad asked me to bring them up to his house for a visit so we went there for a little while. Thanks to that visit, Brayden is now the proud owner of a hideous fish "statue" and a candle that looks well suited for a pre-teen girl's room. As long as they're displayed in his room and not my living room, I'm a happy camper. Dad suggested he put them on the dining room table, I hope he didn't hear that part.

Ok, back to work I go! Yay for the sun shining! Hopefully we'll get to play outside for a little bit when they get home tonight!!